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This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information collected by TROPPO 4X4 PTY LTD via the

website located at


1. What is "personal information"?

(a) The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) currently defines "personal information" as meaning

information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable:

(i) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and

(ii) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.

(b) If the information does not disclose your identity or enable your identity to be ascertained,

it will in most cases not be classified as "personal information" and will not be subject to

this privacy policy.



2. What information do we collect?

(a) The kind of personal information that we collect from you will depend on how you use the

website. The personal information which we collect and hold about you may include: Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, login; e-mail address; password; computer and connection information and purchase history. We may

use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to browse away from the page. We also collect personally identifiable information (including name, email, password, communications); payment details (including credit card information),

comments, feedback, product reviews, recommendations, and personal profile.



3. How we collect your personal information

(a) We may collect personal information from you whenever you input such information into the website.

(b) We also collect cookies from your device which enables us to tell when you use the website and also to help customise your website experience. As a general rule, however, it is not possible to identify you personally from our use of cookies.



4. Purpose of collection

(a) The purpose for which we collect personal information is to provide you with the best

service experience possible on the website.

(b) We customarily disclose personal information only to our service providers who assist us in operating the website. Your personal information may also be exposed from time to time to maintenance and support personnel acting in the normal course of their duties.

(c) By using our website, you consent to the receipt of direct marketing material. We will only use your personal information for this purpose if we have collected such information direct from you, and if it is material of a type which you would reasonably expect to receive from use. We do not use sensitive personal information in direct marketing activity. Our direct

marketing material will include a simple means by which you can request not to receive

further communications of this nature. 


5. Access and correction

Australian Privacy Principle 12 permits you to obtain access to the personal information we hold

about you in certain circumstances, and Australian Privacy Principle 13 allows you to correct

inaccurate personal information subject to certain exceptions. If you would like to obtain such

access, please contact us as set out below.


6. Complaint procedure

If you have a complaint concerning the manner in which we maintain the privacy of your personal

information, please contact us as set out below. All complaints will be considered by TROPPO

4X4 PTY LTD and we may seek further information from you to clarify your concerns. If we agree

that your complaint is well founded, we will, in consultation with you, take appropriate steps to

rectify the problem. If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you may refer the matter to the

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.


7. Overseas transfer

Your personal information will not be disclosed to recipients outside Australia unless you

expressly request us to do so. If you request us to transfer your personal information to an

overseas recipient, the overseas recipient will not be required to comply with the Australian

Privacy Principles and we will not be liable for any mishandling of your information in such



In some circumstances, the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

provides additional protection to individuals located in Europe. The fact that you may be located

in Europe does not, however, on its own entitle you to protection under the GDPR. Our website

does not specifically target customers located in the European Union and we do not monitor the

behaviour of individuals in the European Union, and accordingly the GDPR does not apply.


9. How to contact us about privacy 

If you have any queries, or if you seek access to your personal information, or if you have a

complaint about our privacy practices, you can contact us through

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